Binning indicates sorting or classification of LEDs with respect to the brightness, the CRI value, the forward bias and the colour point. Colour point binning: The colour point binning specifies the range of colours within which all LEDs are first supplied. It has the designation “Initial”. The area around the BBL is divided into 8 areas, according to the ANSI C78.377A standard, between 2600 K and 7000 K (see graphic). The dividing lines between the areas are the CCT lines, or lines of the same colour temperature. The 8 areas enclose colour temperatures at 2700 K, 3000 K, 3500 K, 4000 K, 4500 K, 5000 K, 5700 K and 6500 K. As individual colour points are clearly distinguishable within this coarse division, only LEDs taken from a smaller range of colour points are installed in luminaires. In the best case, all the colour points arise from a single elliptical shape, which is located exactly in the middle of the ANSI rectangle on the BBL. The size of the ellipse is a criterion of quality. The smaller the ellipse or the value specified by the SDCM, the more uniform is the light colour. At ≤ 3 SDCM or 3 Step MacAdam, it is not possible to detected colour nuances between individual luminaires. An “Initial ≤3 SDCM” in a luminaire data sheet represents a very good value. Frequently, however, specification of this for a luminaire is completely missing, and is indicative of questionable quality.