Down to the smallest detail


Optimal presentation of goods and exhibits deliberately directs the attention of the viewer and highlights the distinctive features of the object. Light is one of the most important influencing factors. NANO and the related product families INEO, PICO, PICO SUPPORT MICRO and JUST were developed for glare-free use on shelves and in display cases. They make the desirable and admirable qualities of the exhibit visible, show it in its richness of detail and draw attention to it. The variety of requirements demands a wide range of instruments and the relevance of the task requires the best lighting technology.

Product overview


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Showcase Lighting - Renewed

With our refined Showcase Lighting portfolio, new lighting concepts can be created: from the selective presentation of goods and products in shelves to the staging of art objects in showcases. The high-quality and flexible products were developed for optimal lighting in the smallest possible retail spaces.

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