ࡱ> bDbT`nmsXAL ףp= ?333333?V-? 042-0620138Mff@ff@B  !"#$%&'()*+-./0123456789:;<=>?@ACEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`acdef BbT`nms$ uw&XAL  Spotlight made of aluminium; 2 lamps; cylindrical spotlight heads; surface black powder coated; spotlight head 360 rotatable and 90 tiltable; spotlight can be installed without tools in MINO 40 system or FRAME 40 system; converter integrated in the power track adapter; passive cooling of the LEDs through improved heat sink geometry; with COB (Chip on Board) technology for maximum efficiency; no appearance of multiple shadows; light colour 4000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 2 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 80% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; high quality, aluminium, vapour deposition coated reflector with faceted lens design; precise radiation characteristic with 24 beam; good glare control through recessed light point level; optical attachment available as accessory; accessories are listed separately; degree of protection IP20; PC1 220-240V; incl. DALI-2 converter; light source replaceable by an authorized professional; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Ceiling, Semi-Recessed, tilt max 90, rotation 360, black, RAL9005, IP20, 2680 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 2 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.81, MDER 0.74 Optical: medium, beam angle 24, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: DALI-2, 32 W, PC1 220-240V, 84 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr. Physical: length 300 mm, width 45 mm, height 142 mm, 0.36 kg, adapter300 mm Cutout: diameter 65 mm, min. ceiling thickness 9 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 230 mm 042-0620138M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 MStrahler aus Aluminium; 2-flammig; zylindrische Strahlerkpfe; Oberflche Schwarz pulverbeschichtet; Strahlerkopf 360 dreh- und 90 schwenkbar; Strahler in MINO 40 system oder FRAME 40 system werkzeuglos einsetzbar; Konverter im Stromschienen-Adapter integriert; passive Khlung der LEDs durch optimierte Khlkrpergeometrie; mit COB (Chip on Board) Technologie fr hchste Effizienz; keine Bildung von Mehrfachschatten; Lichtfarbe 4000 K; Binning initial MacAdam d" 2 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 80% des Lichtstromes nach 50000 Betriebsstunden; energieeffiziente LEDs mit hoher Farbwiedergabe; hochwertiger, aluminiumbedampfter Reflektor mit Facettenoptik; przise Abstrahlcharakteristik mit 24 Ausstrahlwinkel; gute Entblendung durch zurckversetzte Lichtpunktebene; optischer Aufsatz ist als Zubehr erhltlich; Zubehr wird separat angefhrt; Schutzart IP20; SK1 220-240V; inkl. DALI-2 Konverter; Lichtquelle durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Betriebsgert durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Allgemein: Decke, Halbeinbau, schwenkbar max. 90, Rotierbarkeit 360, Schwarz, RAL9005, IP20, 2680 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 2 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.81, MDER 0.74 Optisch: medium, Ausstrahlwinkel 24, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elektrisch: DALI-2, 32 W, SK1 220-240V, 84 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr. Abmessungen: Lnge 300 mm, Breite 45 mm, Hhe 142 mm, 0.36 kg, Adapter300 mm Ausschnitt: Durchmesser 65 mm, min. Deckenstrke 9 mm, max. Deckenstrke 25 mm, Einbautiefe 230 mm 042-0620138M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 M Proyector de aluminio; de 2 lmparas; cabezales de proyectores cilndricos; superficie pintada al polvo en negro; proyector giratorio 360 y orientable 90; foco puede montarse en el sistema MINO 40 o en el sistema FRAME 40 sin herramientas; convertidor integrado en el adaptador de barra conductora; refrigeracin pasiva de los LEDs por medio de una geometra de cuerpo de refrigeracin optimizada; con tecnologa COB (Chip on Board) para eficiencia mxima; ninguna formacin de sombras mltiples; color de luz 4000 K; binning inicialmente MacAdam d" 2 SDCM; CRI e" 90; mn. 80 % del flujo luminoso despus de 50000 horas de funcionamiento; LED energticamente eficientes con alto rendimiento de color; reflector de alta calidad vaporizado de aluminio con revestimiento de facetas esfricas; caracterstica de difusin precisa con ngulo de proyeccin de 24; buen antideslumbramiento a travs de nivel de punto de luz retrado; el accesorio ptico est disponible como accesorio; el accesorio se menciona por separado; grado de proteccin IP20; CP1 220-240V; incluido convertidor DALI-2; fuente luminosa sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; mecanismo de control sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; General: Techo, Semi-empotrado, inclinacin mx. 90, giro 360, negro, RAL9005, IP20, 2680 lm LED: 4000 K, IRC e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, MacAdam inicial d" 2 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.81, MDER 0.74 ptico: medium, ngulo de haz 24, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elctrico: DALI-2, 32 W, CP1 220-240V, 84 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr. Fsico: longitud 300 mm, ancho 45 mm, altura 142 mm, 0.36 kg, adaptador300 mm Orificio: dimetro 65 mm, espesor mn. del techo 9 mm, espesor mx. del techo 25 mm, profundidad empotrada 230 mm 042-0620138M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 MFaretto in alluminio; a 2 luci; faretti cilindrici; superficie verniciata a polveri nero; testata girevole 360 e orient. 90; faretto installabile senza attrezzi nel sistema MINO 40 o nel sistema FRAME 40; convertitore integrato nell'adattatore per binari elettrificati; raffreddamento passivo del LED grazie alla geometria ottimizzata del dissipadore; con tecnologia COB (Chip on Board) per la massima efficienza; assenza di ombre multiple; colore della luce 4000 K; binning iniziale MacAdam d" 2 SDCM; CRI e" 90; 80 % min. del flusso luminoso dopo 50000 ore di esercizio; LED a efficienza energetica con un'elevata resa cromatica; riflettore d alta qualit con ottica sfaccettata in alluminio applicato a vapore; emissione precisa con angolo di emissione di 24; ottimo anti-abbagliamento con livelli punto luce rientrati; unit ottico disponibile come accessorio; accessorio indicato a parte; grado protezione IP20; classe isolamento 1 220-240V; incl. convertitore DALI-2; sorgente luminosa sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; dispositivo di controllo sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; Generale: Soffitto, Semi-incasso, orientabile max 90, rotazione 360, nero, RAL9005, IP20, 2680 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, MacAdam iniziale d" 2 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.81, MDER 0.74 Ottico: medium, angolo del fascio 24, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Dati elettrici: DALI-2, 32 W, classe isolamento 1 220-240V, 84 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr. Dati fisici: lunghezza 300 mm, larghezza 45 mm, altezza 142 mm, 0.36 kg, Adattatore300 mm Sagoma: diametro 65 mm, spessore min. del soffitto 9 mm, spessore max. del soffitto 25 mm, profondit di incasso 230 mm 042-0620138M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 M Spot en aluminium ; 2 lampes ; ttes de spot cylindriques ; surface thermolaque noir ; tte de spot rotatif 360 et orientable 90 ; spot intgrable sans outil au systme MINO 40 ou systme FRAME 40 ; convertisseur intgr l'adaptateur du rail d alimentation ; refroidissement passif des LED par gomtrie optimise du radiateur ; avec technologie COB (Chip on Board) pour efficacit maximale ; pas de formation d'ombres multiples ; couleur de lumire 4000 K ; binning initialement MacAdam d" 2 SDCM ; CRI e" 90 ; min. 80 % du flux lumineux au bout de 50000 heures de service ; LEDs efficience nergtique avec rendu lev des couleurs ; rflecteur de grande qualit, mtallise l aluminium avec optique facette ; caractristique de rayonnement prcise avec angle de diffusion 24 ; bon effet anti-blouissement grce au point lumineux en retrait ; elment optique disponible comme accessoire ; accessoires prsents sparment ; indice de protection IP20 ; CP1 220-240V ; convertisseur DALI-2 inclus ; source lumineuse remplaable par un professionnel agr ; dispositif de commande remplaable par un professionnel agr ; Gnral: Plafond, Demi-encastr, inclinaison max 90, rotation 360, noir, RAL9005, IP20, 2680 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, MacAdam initial d" 2 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.81, MDER 0.74 Optique: medium, angle de faisceau 24, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrique: DALI-2, 32 W, CP1 220-240V, 84 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr. Physique: longueur 300 mm, largeur 45 mm, hauteur 142 mm, 0.36 kg, Adaptateur300 mm Dcoupe: diamtre 65 mm, paisseur min. du plafond 9 mm, paisseur max. du plafond 25 mm, profondeur de l'encastrement 230 mm 042-0620138M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 MSpotlight made of aluminium; 2 lamps; cylindrical spotlight heads; surface black powder coated; spotlight head 360 rotatable and 90 tiltable; spotlight can be installed without tools in MINO 40 system or FRAME 40 system; converter integrated in the power track adapter; passive cooling of the LEDs through improved heat sink geometry; with COB (Chip on Board) technology for maximum efficiency; no appearance of multiple shadows; light colour 4000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 2 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 80% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; high quality, aluminium, vapour deposition coated reflector with faceted lens design; precise radiation characteristic with 24 beam; good glare control through recessed light point level; optical attachment available as accessory; accessories are listed separately; degree of protection IP20; PC1 220-240V; incl. DALI-2 converter; light source replaceable by an authorized professional; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Ceiling, Semi-Recessed, tilt max 90, rotation 360, black, RAL9005, IP20, 2680 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 2 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.81, MDER 0.74 Optical: medium, beam angle 24, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: DALI-2, 32 W, PC1 220-240V, 84 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr. Physical: length 300 mm, width 45 mm, height 142 mm, 0.36 kg, adapter300 mm Cutout: diameter 65 mm, min. ceiling thickness 9 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 230 mm 042-0620138M 042-0620138M'BO 45 PROFILES 40 2 lamps cob LED 940 M   JFIF``C    $.' 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