ࡱ> ^DbT`nmsXALT㥛 ?T㥛 ? ףp= ?090-1Q9419G001ff@ff@>  !"#%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]_`ab BbT`nms $ &XAL  Square surface mounted multi-downlight made of aluminium; luminaire housing can be attached to mounting plate without tools by interlock; converter integrated into luminaire housing; surface grey powder coated; equipped with three wallwasher floor light elements 180 + three wallwasher floor light elements 0 + three rectangular medium light elements; precise radiation characteristic; high quality reflector with micro-faceted, aluminum-vaporised surface; Reflector chrome; passive cooling of the LEDs through improved heat sink geometry; light colour 2700 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 90% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy-efficient high power LEDs with very good colour rendering; degree of protection IP20; PC1; incl. converter, non dimmable; light source not replaceable; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; clank-free; General: Ceiling, Surface, grey, Reflector chrome, RAL9006, IP20, 2910 lm LED: 2700 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 101, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.56, MDER 0.51 Optical: wall floor corridor, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: non DIM, 34 W, PC1, 86 lm/W Physical: length 126 mm, width 126 mm, height 90 mm, 0.75 kg 090-1Q9419G001090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 XQuadratischer Anbau-Multi-Downlight aus Aluminium; Leuchtenkrper mittels Verriegelung werkzeuglos auf Montageplatte aufsetzbar; Konverter im Leuchtenkrper integriert; Oberflche Grau pulverbeschichtet; bestckt mit drei wallwasher floor Optiken 180 + drei wallwasher floor Optiken 0 + drei rectangular medium Optiken; przise Abstrahlcharakteristik; hochwertiger Reflektor mit mikrofacettierter, aluminiumbedampfter Oberflche; Reflektor Chrom; passive Khlung der LEDs durch optimierte Khlkrpergeometrie; Lichtfarbe 2700 K; Binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 90% des Lichtstromes nach 50000 h Lebensdauer; energieeffiziente High-Power-LEDs mit sehr guter Farbwiedergabe; Schutzart IP20; SK1; inkl. Konverter, nicht dimmbar; nicht austauschbare Lichtquelle; Betriebsgert durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; klirrfrei; Allgemein: Decke, Aufbau, Grau, Reflektor Chrom, RAL9006, IP20, 2910 lm LED: 2700 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 101, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.56, MDER 0.51 Optisch: wall floor corridor, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elektrisch: nicht dimmbar, 34 W, SK1, 86 lm/W Abmessungen: Lnge 126 mm, Breite 126 mm, Hhe 90 mm, 0.75 kg 090-1Q9419G001090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 X CDownlight mltiple de aluminio cuadrada de superficie; cuerpo luminoso insertable en la placa de montaje por enclavamiento y sin necesidad de herramienta; convertidor integrado en el cuerpo luminoso; superficie pintada al polvo en gris; equipado con tres pticas wallwasher floor de 180 + tres pticas wallwasher floor de 0 + tres pticas rectangular medium; proyeccin precisa de la luz; reflector de alta calidad con ptica micro-facetada, superficie vaporizada de aluminio; Reflector cromo; refrigeracin pasiva de los LEDs por medio de una geometra de cuerpo de refrigeracin optimizada; color de luz 2700 K; binning inicialmente MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; mn. 90 % del flujo luminoso despus de 50000 h de vida til; LEDS de alta eficiencia que proporcionan una alta reproduccin cromtica; grado de proteccin IP20; CP1; incluido convertidor, no regulable; fuente luminosa no sustituible; mecanismo de control sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; sin reverberacin; General: Techo, Superficie, gris, Reflector cromo, RAL9006, IP20, 2910 lm LED: 2700 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, MacAdam inicial d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 101, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.56, MDER 0.51 ptico: wall floor corridor, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elctrico: non atenuable, 34 W, CP1, 86 lm/W Fsico: longitud 126 mm, ancho 126 mm, altura 90 mm, 0.75 kg 090-1Q9419G001090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 XeDownlight multiplo quadrato in alluminio con montaggio a superficie; corpo illuminante montabile ad appoggio senza attrezzi su piastra di montaggio tramite blocco di sicurezza; convertitore integrato nel corpo illuminante; superficie verniciata a polveri grigio; con tre ottiche wallwasher floor 180 + tre ottiche wallwasher floor 0 + tre ottiche rectangular medium; emissione precisa; riflettore di alta qualit con superficie sfaccettata in alluminio vaporizzato; Riflettore cromato; raffreddamento passivo del LED grazie alla geometria ottimizzata del dissipadore; colore della luce 2700 K; binning iniziale MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; 90 % min. del flusso luminoso dopo 50000 h di durata di vita; LED high power a risparmio energetico con ottima resa cromatica; grado protezione IP20; classe isolamento 1; incl. convertitore, non dimmerabile; sorgente luminosa non sostituibile; dispositivo di controllo sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; senza distorsione; Generale: Soffitto, Surface, grigio, Riflettore cromato, RAL9006, IP20, 2910 lm LED: 2700 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, MacAdam iniziale d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 101, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.56, MDER 0.51 Ottico: wall floor corridor, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Dati elettrici: non DIM, 34 W, classe isolamento 1, 86 lm/W Dati fisici: lunghezza 126 mm, larghezza 126 mm, altezza 90 mm, 0.75 kg 090-1Q9419G001090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 X090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 X dMulti-downlight apparent carr, en aluminium ; corps de luminaire pouvant tre mont sans outils sur la plaque de montage grce un systme de verrouillage ; convertisseur intgr dans le corps de luminaire ; surface thermolaque gris ; quip de trois systmes optiques wallwasher floor 180 + trois systmes optiques wallwasher floor 0 + trois systmes optiques rectangular medium ; caractristique de rayonnement prcise ; rflecteur de haute qualit avec surface micro-facettes vaporise d'aluminium ; Rflecteur chrome ; refroidissement passif des LED par gomtrie optimise du radiateur ; couleur de lumire 2700 K ; binning initialement MacAdam d" 3 SDCM ; CRI e" 90 ; min. 90 % du flux lumineux au bout de 50000 h de dure de vie ; High-Power-LED grande efficacit nergtique, trs bon rendu des couleurs ; indice de protection IP20 ; CP1 ; convertisseur inclus, non dimmable ; source lumineuse non remplaable ; dispositif de commande remplaable par un professionnel agr ; sans distorsions ; Gnral: Plafond, Surface, gris, Rflecteur chrome, RAL9006, IP20, 2910 lm LED: 2700 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, MacAdam initial d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 101, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.56, MDER 0.51 Optique: wall floor corridor, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrique: non DIM, 34 W, CP1, 86 lm/W Physique: longueur 126 mm, largeur 126 mm, hauteur 90 mm, 0.75 kg 090-1Q9419G001090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 X090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 XSquare surface mounted multi-downlight made of aluminium; luminaire housing can be attached to mounting plate without tools by interlock; converter integrated into luminaire housing; surface grey powder coated; equipped with three wallwasher floor light elements 180 + three wallwasher floor light elements 0 + three rectangular medium light elements; precise radiation characteristic; high quality reflector with micro-faceted, aluminum-vaporised surface; Reflector chrome; passive cooling of the LEDs through improved heat sink geometry; light colour 2700 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 90% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy-efficient high power LEDs with very good colour rendering; degree of protection IP20; PC1; incl. converter, non dimmable; light source not replaceable; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; clank-free; General: Ceiling, Surface, grey, Reflector chrome, RAL9006, IP20, 2910 lm LED: 2700 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 101, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.56, MDER 0.51 Optical: wall floor corridor, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: non DIM, 34 W, PC1, 86 lm/W Physical: length 126 mm, width 126 mm, height 90 mm, 0.75 kg 090-1Q9419G001090-1Q9419G001UNICO Q9 basic ceiling 927 X   JFIF``C    $.' 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