ࡱ> [DbT`nmsXALZd;O?S?MbP? 051-8316637Aff@ff@;  !"#$%&'()*+,./0123456789:<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\]^_ BbT`nms$ XAL  Low profile recessed channel, height 13 mm; suitable for rimless installation in 12.5mm plasterboard ceilings; specially designed trim with grooves for better adhesion of smoothing compound; suitable for wall or ceiling mounting; surface white powder coated; easy mountng without need to cut the substructure; fall-safe light inset made of extruded aluminium profile, can be inserted in the canal without tools by magnetic holders; with asymmetric light distribution; light colour 4000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 80; min. 90% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; degree of protection from below IP40 (from above IP20); PC2 220-240V; photobiological safety according to IEC 62471 risk group RG 0 - no Risk; internal wiring in light halogen free; incl. external converter for ceiling insertion; DALI-2 control; light source not replaceable; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Ceiling / Wall, Recessed, white, RAL9016, front IP40, back IP20, 4990 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 80, L90 / 50000 h, photobio. safety RG 0 - no Risk, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , MR 0.72, MDER 0.66 Optical: Asymmetric Wallwasher, asymmetric, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: DALI-2, 47 W, PC2 220-240V, 106 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr., 26 W/m Physical: trimless, length 1833 mm, width 92 mm, height 13 mm, 2.6 kg Cutout: length 1836 mm, width 95 mm, min. ceiling thickness 12.5 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 58 mm, recessed depth: 12.5 mm (ceiling) + 45 mm (converter) 051-8316637A 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mmExtrem flacher Einbaukanal mit 13mm Hhe; geeignet fr den randlosen Einbau in 12,5mm Gipskartondecken; spezielle Randausbildung mit Rillen fr bessere Haftung der Spachtelmasse; geeignet fr Wand- oder Deckenmontage; Oberflche Wei pulverbeschichtet; einfache Montage ohne Schneiden der Unterkonstruktion; absturzgesicherter Lichteinsatz aus stranggepresstem Aluminiumprofil werkzeuglos mittels Magnethalter in Kanal einsetzbar; mit asymmetrischer Lichtverteilung; Lichtfarbe 4000 K; Binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 80; min. 90% des Lichtstromes nach 50000 Betriebsstunden; energieeffiziente LEDs mit hoher Farbwiedergabe; Schutzart IP40 unten (oben IP20); SK2 220-240V; photobiologische Sicherheit gem IEC 62471 Risikogruppe RG 0 - kein Risiko; leuchteninterne Verdrahtung halogenfrei; inkl. externem Konverter fr Deckeneinwurf; DALI-2 Steuerung; nicht austauschbare Lichtquelle; Betriebsgert durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Allgemein: Decke / Wand, Einbau, Wei, RAL9016, Vorderseite IP40, Rckseite IP20, 4990 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 80, L90 / 50000 h, photobiologische Sicherheit RG 0 - kein Risiko, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , MR 0.72, MDER 0.66 Optisch: Asymmetric Wallwasher, asymmetric, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elektrisch: DALI-2, 47 W, SK2 220-240V, 106 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr., 26 W/m Abmessungen: randlos, Lnge 1833 mm, Breite 92 mm, Hhe 13 mm, 2.6 kg Ausschnitt: Lnge 1836 mm, Breite 95 mm, min. Deckenstrke 12.5 mm, max. Deckenstrke 25 mm, Einbautiefe 58 mm, Einbautiefe: 12,5 mm (Decke) + 45 mm (Konverter) 051-8316637A 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mm Canal para montaje empotrado extremadamente plano con altura de 13 mm; apropiada para el montaje sin bordes en techos de placas de yeso de 12, 5mm; ejecucin especial de los bordes con estras para una mejor adherencia de la masa de emplastecido; apropiado para montaje en pared o en techo; superficie pintada al polvo en blanco; montaje sencillo sin cortar la construccin inferior; elemento de luz asegurado contra cadas de perfil de aluminio extrusionado que se puede introducir en el canal sin herramientas por medio de un soporte magntico; con distribucin asimtrica; color de luz 4000 K; binning inicialmente MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 80; mn. 90 % del flujo luminoso despus de 50000 horas de funcionamiento; LED energticamente eficientes con alto rendimiento de color; grado de proteccin IP40 en el lado inferior (IP20 en el superior); CP2 220-240V; seguridad fotobiolgica segn IEC 62471 grupo de riesgo RG 0 - sin riesgo; cableado interno de la lmpara libre de halgenos; incl. convertidor externo para insercin en el techo; control con DALI-2; fuente luminosa no sustituible; mecanismo de control sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; General: Techo / Pared, Empotrado, blanco, RAL9016, parte delantera IP40, parte trasera IP20, 4990 lm LED: 4000 K, IRC e" 80, L90 / 50000 h, seguridad fotobio. RG 0 - sin riesgo, MacAdam inicial d" 3 SDCM , MR 0.72, MDER 0.66 ptico: Asymmetric Wallwasher, asymmetric, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elctrico: DALI-2, 47 W, CP2 220-240V, 106 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr., 26 W/m Fsico: sin borde, longitud 1833 mm, ancho 92 mm, altura 13 mm, 2.6 kg Orificio: longitud 1836 mm, ancho 95 mm, espesor mn. del techo 12.5 mm, espesor mx. del techo 25 mm, profundidad empotrada 58 mm, profundidad paraempotrar: 12,5 mm (techo) + 45 mm (convertidor) 051-8316637A 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mmApparecchio da incasso ultrapiatto da 13 mm di altezza; adatto per incasso a scomparsa in soffitti di cartongesso di 12,5 mm; bordatura speciale con solchi per una migliore aderenza dello stucco; adatto per montaggio a soffitto o a parete; superficie verniciata a polveri bianco; montaggio semplice senza tranciatura della struttura sottostante; inserto luce anti-caduta in profilo di allumino estruso, fissaggio nel canale con magnete senza bisogno di utensili; con distribuzione asimmetrica della luce; colore della luce 4000 K; binning iniziale MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 80; 90 % min. del flusso luminoso dopo 50000 ore di esercizio; LED a efficienza energetica con un'elevata resa cromatica; classe di protezione IP40 in basso (IP20 in alto); classe isolamento 2 220-240V; sicurezza fotobiologica secondo la normativa IEC 62471 gruppo di rischio RG 0 - Rischio esente; cablaggio interno apparecchio senza alogeni; incl. converter esterno da inserire nel soffitto; comandi con DALI-2; sorgente luminosa non sostituibile; dispositivo di controllo sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; Generale: Soffitto / Parete, Incasso, bianco, RAL9016, fronte IP40, retro IP20, 4990 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 80, L90 / 50000 h, sicurezza fotobio. RG 0 - Rischio esente, MacAdam iniziale d" 3 SDCM , MR 0.72, MDER 0.66 Ottico: Asymmetric Wallwasher, asymmetric, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Dati elettrici: DALI-2, 47 W, classe isolamento 2 220-240V, 106 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr., 26 W/m Dati fisici: senza bordo, lunghezza 1833 mm, larghezza 92 mm, altezza 13 mm, 2.6 kg Sagoma: lunghezza 1836 mm, larghezza 95 mm, spessore min. del soffitto 12.5 mm, spessore max. del soffitto 25 mm, profondit di incasso 58 mm, profondit d&#x27;incasso: 12,5 mm (soffitto) + 45 mm (convertitore) 051-8316637A 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mm 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mm Canal encastrer extrmement plat avec 13 mm de hauteur ; convient l'encastrement sans bord en plafond en plaques de pltre de 12,5mm ; formation de bords spciaux avec rainures pour une meilleure adhrence du mastic ; appropri pour montage au plafond ou mural ; surface thermolaque blanc ; montage simple sans dcoupage de la sous-construction ; lment d'clairage antichute en profil d'aluminium extrud pour montage en canal sans outil au moyen de fixations magntiques ; avec distribution asymtrique de la lumire ; couleur de lumire 4000 K ; binning initialement MacAdam d" 3 SDCM ; CRI e" 80 ; min. 90 % du flux lumineux au bout de 50000 heures de service ; LEDs efficience nergtique avec rendu lev des couleurs ; indice de protection en bas IP40 (en haut IP20) ; CP2 220-240V ; scurit photobiologique selon la norme IEC 62471 groupe de risque RG 0 - aucun risque ; cblage interne au luminaire sans halogne ; y compris convertisseur externe pour fente plafond ; commande via DALI-2 ; source lumineuse non remplaable ; dispositif de commande remplaable par un professionnel agr ; Gnral: Plafond / mur, Encastr, blanc, RAL9016, avant IP40, arrire IP20, 4990 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 80, L90 / 50000 h, scurit photobio. RG 0 - aucun risque, MacAdam initial d" 3 SDCM , MR 0.72, MDER 0.66 Optique: Asymmetric Wallwasher, asymmetric, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrique: DALI-2, 47 W, CP2 220-240V, 106 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr., 26 W/m Physique: sans bord, longueur 1833 mm, largeur 92 mm, hauteur 13 mm, 2.6 kg Dcoupe: longueur 1836 mm, largeur 95 mm, paisseur min. du plafond 12.5 mm, paisseur max. du plafond 25 mm, profondeur de l'encastrement 58 mm, profondeur d&#x27;encastrement: 12,5 mm (plafond) + 45 mm (convertisseur) 051-8316637A 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mm 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mmLow profile recessed channel, height 13 mm; suitable for rimless installation in 12.5mm plasterboard ceilings; specially designed trim with grooves for better adhesion of smoothing compound; suitable for wall or ceiling mounting; surface white powder coated; easy mountng without need to cut the substructure; fall-safe light inset made of extruded aluminium profile, can be inserted in the canal without tools by magnetic holders; with asymmetric light distribution; light colour 4000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 80; min. 90% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; degree of protection from below IP40 (from above IP20); PC2 220-240V; photobiological safety according to IEC 62471 risk group RG 0 - no Risk; internal wiring in light halogen free; incl. external converter for ceiling insertion; DALI-2 control; light source not replaceable; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Ceiling / Wall, Recessed, white, RAL9016, front IP40, back IP20, 4990 lm LED: 4000 K, CRI e" 80, L90 / 50000 h, photobio. safety RG 0 - no Risk, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , MR 0.72, MDER 0.66 Optical: Asymmetric Wallwasher, asymmetric, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: DALI-2, 47 W, PC2 220-240V, 106 lm/W, 1 DALI Addr., 26 W/m Physical: trimless, length 1833 mm, width 92 mm, height 13 mm, 2.6 kg Cutout: length 1836 mm, width 95 mm, min. ceiling thickness 12.5 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 58 mm, recessed depth: 12.5 mm (ceiling) + 45 mm (converter) 051-8316637A 051-8316637A,LENO asymmetric trimless e2 LED 840 A 1833mm   JFIF``C    $.' 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