ࡱ> bDbT`nmsXALh|?5?h|?5?MbP?"048-2750511A 048-2797318 002-90777ff@A  !"#$%&'()*,-./0123456789:;<=>?@BaDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`cdef BbT`nms!$ XAL  Recessed square spotlight in die-cast aluminium; 1 lamp; surface black; installation without tools in mounting set due to patented ball catch system; square installation housing; with trim jet black; suitable for ceiling thickness of 2-25 mm; passive cooling of the LEDs through improved heat sink geometry; no multiple shadows; light colour 3000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 80% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; with specially computed, asymmetrical reflector for homogeneous lighting intensity; high quality reflector with micro-faceted, aluminum-vaporised surface; PC2 220-240V; incl. converter, non dimmable; through wiring connection box, 3-pole or 5-pole, available as an accessory; accessories are listed separately; light source replaceable by an authorized professional; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Ceiling, Recessed, black, Mounting set jet black, RAL9005, IP20, 1440 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.6, MDER 0.54 Optical: wallwasher, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: non DIM, 20.3 W, inset 17.3 W, 36 Vf, 250 mA, PC2 220-240V, 71 lm/W, inset 83 lm/W Physical: trim, length 118 mm, width 118 mm, height 96 mm, 0.71 kg Cutout: length 112 mm, width 112 mm, min. ceiling thickness 2 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 120 mm 048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 AEinbaustrahler quadratisch aus Aluminiumdruckguss; 1-flammig; Oberflche Schwarz; werkzeuglose Montage im Montageset durch patentiertes Kugelschnappsystem; quadratisches Einbaugehuse; mit umlaufendem Rand Tiefschwarz; geeignet fr Deckenstrken von 2-25 mm; passive Khlung der LEDs durch optimierte Khlkrpergeometrie; keine Bildung von Mehrfachschatten; Lichtfarbe 3000 K; Binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 80% des Lichtstromes nach 50000 Betriebsstunden; energieeffiziente LEDs mit hoher Farbwiedergabe; mit speziell berechnetem, asymmetrischem Reflektor fur homogene vertikale Beleuchtungsstrken; hochwertiger Reflektor mit mikrofacettierter, aluminiumbedampfter Oberflche; SK2 220-240V; inkl. Konverter, nicht dimmbar; Anschlussdose fr Weiterverdrahtung, 3-polig oder 5-polig, als Zubehr erhltlich; Zubehr wird separat angefhrt; Lichtquelle durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Betriebsgert durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Allgemein: Decke, Einbau, Schwarz, Montage Set Tiefschwarz, RAL9005, IP20, 1440 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.6, MDER 0.54 Optisch: wallwasher, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elektrisch: nicht dimmbar, 20.3 W, inset 17.3 W, 36 Vf, 250 mA, SK2 220-240V, 71 lm/W, inset 83 lm/W Abmessungen: mit Rand, length 118 mm, width 118 mm, height 96 mm, 0.71 kg Ausschnitt: length 112 mm, width 112 mm, min. ceiling thickness 2 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 120 mm 048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 A cProyector empotrable cuadrado de fundicin de aluminio inyectado; de 1 lmpara; superficie negro; montaje sin herramientas mediante kit de montaje con sistema de insercin por bola patentado; carcasa de montaje cuadrada; con marco negro intenso; apropiada para grosores de techo de 2-25 mm; refrigeracin pasiva de los LEDs por medio de una geometra de cuerpo de refrigeracin optimizada; no proporciona sombras mltiples; color de luz 3000 K; binning inicialmente MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; mn. 80 % del flujo luminoso despus de 50000 horas de funcionamiento; LED energticamente eficientes con alto rendimiento de color; con reflector asimtrico diseado para proporcionar un efecto homogeneo; reflector de alta calidad con ptica micro-facetada, superficie vaporizada de aluminio; CP2 220-240V; incluido convertidor, no regulable; caja de conexin para cableado, 3 o 5 pines, disponible como accesorio; el accesorio se menciona por separado; fuente luminosa sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; mecanismo de control sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; General: Techo, Empotrado, negro, Set de montaje negro intenso, RAL9005, IP20, 1440 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.6, MDER 0.54 ptico: wallwasher, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elctrico: non atenuable, 20.3 W, inset 17.3 W, 36 Vf, 250 mA, CP2 220-240V, 71 lm/W, inset 83 lm/W Fsico: borde, length 118 mm, width 118 mm, height 96 mm, 0.71 kg Orificio: length 112 mm, width 112 mm, min. ceiling thickness 2 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 120 mm 048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 AtFaro da incasso quadrato in alluminio pressofuso; a 1 luce; superficie nero; montaggio senza attrezzi con sistema brevettato a moschettone sferico; cassaforma quadrata; con bordo perimetrale nero intenso; adatto per soffitti con spessore di 2-25 mm; raffreddamento passivo del LED grazie alla geometria ottimizzata del dissipadore; assenza di ombre multiple; colore della luce 3000 K; binning iniziale MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; 80 % min. del flusso luminoso dopo 50000 ore di esercizio; LED a efficienza energetica con un'elevata resa cromatica; con riflettore asimmetrico appositamente calcolato per illuminazione verticale omogenea; riflettore di alta qualit con superficie sfaccettata in alluminio vaporizzato; classe isolamento 2 220-240V; incl. convertitore, non dimmerabile; scatola di allacciamento per cablaggio passante, tripolare o pentapolare, disponibile come accessorio; accessorio indicato a parte; sorgente luminosa sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; dispositivo di controllo sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; Generale: Soffitto, Incasso, nero, Set di montaggio nero intenso, RAL9005, IP20, 1440 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.6, MDER 0.54 Ottico: wallwasher, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Dati elettrici: non DIM, 20.3 W, inset 17.3 W, 36 Vf, 250 mA, classe isolamento 2 220-240V, 71 lm/W, inset 83 lm/W Dati fisici: bordo, length 118 mm, width 118 mm, height 96 mm, 0.71 kg Sagoma: length 112 mm, width 112 mm, min. ceiling thickness 2 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 120 mm 048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 A"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 A iSpot encastr carr en aluminium moul sous pression ; 1 lampe ; surface noir ; montage sans outils en kit de montage grce un systme brevet de loquet billes ; botier encastrer carr ; avec bord continu Noir profond ; appropri pour une paisseur de plafond de 2-25 mm ; refroidissement passif des LED par gomtrie optimise du radiateur ; pas de formation d'ombres multiples ; couleur de lumire 3000 K ; binning initialement MacAdam d" 3 SDCM ; CRI e" 90 ; min. 80 % du flux lumineux au bout de 50000 heures de service ; LEDs efficience nergtique avec rendu lev des couleurs ; avec rflecteur asymtrique (calcul spcial) pour intensits d clairage verticales homognes ; rflecteur de haute qualit avec surface micro-facettes vaporise d'aluminium ; CP2 220-240V ; convertisseur inclus, non dimmable ; botier de raccordement pour cblage ultrieur, 3 ou 5 bornes, disponible comme accessoire ; accessoires prsents sparment ; source lumineuse remplaable par un professionnel agr ; dispositif de commande remplaable par un professionnel agr ; Gnral: Plafond, Encastr, noir, Set de montage Noir profond, RAL9005, IP20, 1440 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.6, MDER 0.54 Optique: wallwasher, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrique: non DIM, 20.3 W, inset 17.3 W, 36 Vf, 250 mA, CP2 220-240V, 71 lm/W, inset 83 lm/W Physique: bord, length 118 mm, width 118 mm, height 96 mm, 0.71 kg Dcoupe: length 112 mm, width 112 mm, min. ceiling thickness 2 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 120 mm 048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 A"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 ARecessed square spotlight in die-cast aluminium; 1 lamp; surface black; installation without tools in mounting set due to patented ball catch system; square installation housing; with trim jet black; suitable for ceiling thickness of 2-25 mm; passive cooling of the LEDs through improved heat sink geometry; no multiple shadows; light colour 3000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 80% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; with specially computed, asymmetrical reflector for homogeneous lighting intensity; high quality reflector with micro-faceted, aluminum-vaporised surface; PC2 220-240V; incl. converter, non dimmable; through wiring connection box, 3-pole or 5-pole, available as an accessory; accessories are listed separately; light source replaceable by an authorized professional; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Ceiling, Recessed, black, Mounting set jet black, RAL9005, IP20, 1440 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L80 / 50000 h, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 97, Rf: 91, R{1-15}: 89, MR 0.6, MDER 0.54 Optical: wallwasher, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: non DIM, 20.3 W, inset 17.3 W, 36 Vf, 250 mA, PC2 220-240V, 71 lm/W, inset 83 lm/W Physical: trim, length 118 mm, width 118 mm, height 96 mm, 0.71 kg Cutout: length 112 mm, width 112 mm, min. ceiling thickness 2 mm, max. ceiling thickness 25 mm, recessed depth 120 mm 048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777"048-2750511A_048-2797318_002-90777*SASSO 100 square wallwasher trim cob 930 A   JFIF``C    $.' 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