ࡱ> fDbT`nmsXAL333333?333333?ˡE?@ 059-2932076Z@ff@ff@E  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345789:;<=>?@ABCDFeHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdghij BbT`nms'$ \A'XAL  hFree standing luminaire with square head with rounded edges in aluminium; extremely flat design (only 15mm); round aluminium tube support; base stand with recess for table stand; modern shape in elegant design for discerning requirements; surface grey powder coated; direct light distribution through LGP body (Light Guiding Prism); side coupled light directed downwards by laser engraving; indirect light component with special PCBs for increased luminous flux and maximum ceiling illumination; microprismatic PMMA cover; completely homogeneous illumination; UGR d" 10; VDU compatible workplace luminaire according to DIN EN 12464-1; luminance above 65 d" 1500 cd/m; light colour 3000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 90% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; degree of protection IP20; PC1 220-240V; photobiological safety according to IEC 62471 risk group RG 0 - no Risk; luminaire with integrated infrared presence and brightness sensor (ESSENTIAL sensor); automatic light control for individually adjustable brightness; variable automatic shutdown; easy adjustment by integrated miniature push-button; presence sensor detection range 4,5m on the floor; incl. connection cable (3m) with safety plug; light source replaceable by an authorized professional; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Floor, Standing, grey, RAL9006, IP20, indirect 10000 lm, direct 2280 lm, total 12280 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, photobio. safety RG 0 - no Risk, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 96, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 90, MR 0.61, MDER 0.56 Optical: Microprismatic, microprismatic, UGR < 10, e"65 <1500 cd/m, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: ESSENTIAL sensor (brightness &amp; presence), 92 W, PC1 220-240V, 133 lm/W Physical: H-shape, length 600 mm, width 600 mm, height 2000 mm, 19.9 kg 059-2932076Z 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 PStehleuchte mit quadratischem Leuchtenkopf mit abgerundeten Kanten aus Aluminium; extrem flache Bauform (nur 15mm); rundes Standrohr aus Aluminium; Standfu mit Ausnehmung fr Tischfu; moderne Formensprache im edlen Design fr hchste Ansprche; Oberflche Grau pulverbeschichtet; direkte Lichtverteilung durch LGP-Body (Light-Guiding-Prism); seitlich eingekoppeltes Licht durch Lasergravur nach unten gelenkt; Indirektlichtanteil mit eigenen Platinen fr erhhten Lichtstrom und maximale Deckenaufhellung; mikroprismatische PMMA-Abdeckung; absolut homogene Ausleuchtung; UGR d" 10; bildschirmtaugliche Arbeitsplatzleuchte nach DIN EN 12464-1; Leuchtdichte ber 65 d" 1500 cd/m; Lichtfarbe 3000 K; Binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 90% des Lichtstromes nach 50000 Betriebsstunden; energieeffiziente LEDs mit hoher Farbwiedergabe; Schutzart IP20; SK1 220-240V; photobiologische Sicherheit gem IEC 62471 Risikogruppe RG 0 - kein Risiko; Leuchte mit integriertem Infrarot Anwesenheits- und Helligkeitssensor (ESSENTIAL sensor); automatische Regelung der Leuchte auf individuell einstellbaren Helligkeitswert; mit variabler Abschaltautomatik; einfaches Einstellen durch integrierten Miniaturtaster; Anwesenheitssensor-Erfassungsbereich 4,5m am Fuboden; inkl. Anschlussleitung (3m) mit Schutzkontaktstecker; Lichtquelle durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Betriebsgert durch autorisierte Fachleute austauschbar; Allgemein: Bodenmontage, Stehend, Grau, RAL9006, IP20, indirekt 10000 lm, direkt 2280 lm, gesamt 12280 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, photobiologische Sicherheit RG 0 - kein Risiko, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 96, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 90, MR 0.61, MDER 0.56 Optisch: Microprismatic, microprismatic, UGR < 10, e"65 <1500 cd/m, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elektrisch: ESSENTIAL sensor (Helligkeit &amp; Anwesenheit), 92 W, SK1 220-240V, 133 lm/W Abmessungen: H-shape, Lnge 600 mm, Breite 600 mm, Hhe 2000 mm, 19.9 kg 059-2932076Z 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 P ;Lmpara de pie con cabezal de lmpara cuadrado con cantos redondeados de aluminio; forma constructiva extremadamente plana (slo 15 mm); tubo vertical de aluminio redondo; pie con rebaje para pata de mesa; idioma de formas moderno en diseo noble para las exigencias ms altas; superficie pintada al polvo en gris; distribucin de luz directa a travs de cuerpo LGP (Light Guiding Prism); la luz acoplada lateralmente se orienta hacia abajo por medio de un grabado por lser; proporcin indirecta con pletinas propias para un flujo luminoso aumentado y una iluminacin mxima del techo; difusor microprismtico de PMMA; iluminacin homognea; UGR d" 10; lmpara para el puesto de trabajo apta para pantallas segn DIN EN 12464-1; luminancia por encima de 65 d" 1500 cd/m; color de luz 3000 K; binning inicialmente MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; mn. 90 % del flujo luminoso despus de 50000 horas de funcionamiento; LED energticamente eficientes con alto rendimiento de color; grado de proteccin IP20; CP1 220-240V; seguridad fotobiolgica segn IEC 62471 grupo de riesgo RG 0 - sin riesgo; lmpara con sensor de infrarrojos para presencia y luminosidad integrado (ESSENTIAL sensor); regulacin automtica de la lmpara a un valor de luminosidad ajustable individualmente; con automatismo de desconexin variable; ajuste sencillo por medio de un pulsador de miniatura integrado; zona de deteccin de sensor de presencia 4,5m en el suelo; incluye 3 metros de cable de conexin; fuente luminosa sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; mecanismo de control sustituible por un tcnico autorizado; General: Suelo, De pie, gris, RAL9006, IP20, indirecto 10000 lm, directa 2280 lm, total 12280 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, seguridad fotobio. RG 0 - sin riesgo, MacAdam inicial d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 96, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 90, MR 0.61, MDER 0.56 ptico: Microprismatic, microprismatic, UGR < 10, e"65 <1500 cd/m, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Elctrico: ESSENTIAL sensor (brillantez y presencia), 92 W, CP1 220-240V, 133 lm/W Fsico: H-shape, longitud 600 mm, ancho 600 mm, altura 2000 mm, 19.9 kg 059-2932076Z 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 PgLampada a stelo con testa faro quadrata con spigoli arrotondati in alluminio; forma estremamente piatta (solo 15 mm); stelo rotondo in alluminio; piedistallo con apertura per piede tavolo; design moderno ed elegante per le massime esigenze; superficie verniciata a polveri grigio; distribuzione della luce diretta con sistema LGP-Body (Light Guiding Prism); luce convogliata lateralmente e direzionata in basso tramite incisione laser; percentuale indiretta con piastre a flusso luminoso potenziato e massima illuminazione del soffitto; diffusore a microprismi in PMMA; illuminazione assolutamente omogenea; UGR d" 10; luce da lavoro adatta a schermi conform. DIN EN 12464-1; luminanza superiore a 65 d" 1500 cd/m; colore della luce 3000 K; binning iniziale MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; 90 % min. del flusso luminoso dopo 50000 ore di esercizio; LED a efficienza energetica con un'elevata resa cromatica; grado protezione IP20; classe isolamento 1 220-240V; sicurezza fotobiologica secondo la normativa IEC 62471 gruppo di rischio RG 0 - Rischio esente; apparecchio con sensore di presenza e di luminosit a infrarossi integrato (ESSENTIAL sensor); regolazione automatica delle luci ad un valore di luminosit personalizzabile; con automatismo spegnimento variabile; regolazione semplice grazie al tasto in miniatura integrato; sensore di presenza con raggio di rilevamento 4,5m sul pavimento; incl. cavo di collegamento (3 m) con spina Schuko; sorgente luminosa sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; dispositivo di controllo sostituibile da tecnici specializzati autorizzati; Generale: Pavimento, Piantana, grigio, RAL9006, IP20, indiretto 10000 lm, diretto 2280 lm, totale 12280 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, sicurezza fotobio. RG 0 - Rischio esente, MacAdam iniziale d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 96, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 90, MR 0.61, MDER 0.56 Ottico: Microprismatic, microprismatic, UGR < 10, e"65 <1500 cd/m, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Dati elettrici: ESSENTIAL sensor (luminosit e presenza), 92 W, classe isolamento 1 220-240V, 133 lm/W Dati fisici: H-shape, lunghezza 600 mm, larghezza 600 mm, altezza 2000 mm, 19.9 kg 059-2932076Z 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 P 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 P DLuminaire sur pied avec tte carre et bords arrondis en aluminium ; forme de construction extrmement plate (seulement 15 mm) ; tube support rond en aluminium ; pied avec cavit pour pied de table ; forme moderne au design lgant pour les exigences les plus pousses ; surface thermolaque gris ; distribution directe de la lumire par LGP-Body (Light Guiding Prism) ; lumire couple latralement guide vers le bas par gravure laser ; partie indirecte avec platines ddies pour un flux lumineux accru et un clairage maximal du plafond ; cache PMMA microprismatique ; clairage parfaitement homogne ; UGR d" 10 ; luminaire d'clairage de poste de travail adapt au travail sur cran selon DIN EN 12464-1 ; luminance suprieure 65 d" 1500 cd / m ; couleur de lumire 3000 K ; binning initialement MacAdam d" 3 SDCM ; CRI e" 90 ; min. 90 % du flux lumineux au bout de 50000 heures de service ; LEDs efficience nergtique avec rendu lev des couleurs ; indice de protection IP20 ; CP1 220-240V ; scurit photobiologique selon la norme IEC 62471 groupe de risque RG 0 - aucun risque ; luminaire avec capteur infrarouge de prsence et de luminosit intgr (ESSENTIAL sensor) ; rglage automatique du luminaire selon niveau de luminosit librement rglable ; avec arrt automatique variable ; rglage simple via mini interrupteur intgr ; capteur de prsence - zone d'enregistrement 4,5 m au sol ; incl. cble raccordement (3m) avec fiche contact de protection ; source lumineuse remplaable par un professionnel agr ; dispositif de commande remplaable par un professionnel agr ; Gnral: Sol, Sur pied, gris, RAL9006, IP20, Indirect 10000 lm, direct 2280 lm, total 12280 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, scurit photobio. RG 0 - aucun risque, MacAdam initial d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 96, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 90, MR 0.61, MDER 0.56 Optique: Microprismatic, microprismatic, UGR < 10, e"65 <1500 cd/m, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrique: ESSENTIAL sensor (luminosit et prsence), 92 W, CP1 220-240V, 133 lm/W Physique: H-shape, longueur 600 mm, largeur 600 mm, hauteur 2000 mm, 19.9 kg 059-2932076Z 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 P 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 PhFree standing luminaire with square head with rounded edges in aluminium; extremely flat design (only 15mm); round aluminium tube support; base stand with recess for table stand; modern shape in elegant design for discerning requirements; surface grey powder coated; direct light distribution through LGP body (Light Guiding Prism); side coupled light directed downwards by laser engraving; indirect light component with special PCBs for increased luminous flux and maximum ceiling illumination; microprismatic PMMA cover; completely homogeneous illumination; UGR d" 10; VDU compatible workplace luminaire according to DIN EN 12464-1; luminance above 65 d" 1500 cd/m; light colour 3000 K; binning initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM; CRI e" 90; min. 90% of luminous flux after 50000 operating hours; energy efficient LEDs with high CRI; degree of protection IP20; PC1 220-240V; photobiological safety according to IEC 62471 risk group RG 0 - no Risk; luminaire with integrated infrared presence and brightness sensor (ESSENTIAL sensor); automatic light control for individually adjustable brightness; variable automatic shutdown; easy adjustment by integrated miniature push-button; presence sensor detection range 4,5m on the floor; incl. connection cable (3m) with safety plug; light source replaceable by an authorized professional; control gear replaceable by an authorized professional; General: Floor, Standing, grey, RAL9006, IP20, indirect 10000 lm, direct 2280 lm, total 12280 lm LED: 3000 K, CRI e" 90, L90 / 50000 h, photobio. safety RG 0 - no Risk, initial MacAdam d" 3 SDCM , Rg: 96, Rf: 90, R{1-15}: 90, MR 0.61, MDER 0.56 Optical: Microprismatic, microprismatic, UGR < 10, e"65 <1500 cd/m, PstLM d" 1.0, SVM d" 0.4 Electrical: ESSENTIAL sensor (brightness &amp; presence), 92 W, PC1 220-240V, 133 lm/W Physical: H-shape, length 600 mm, width 600 mm, height 2000 mm, 19.9 kg 059-2932076Z 059-2932076ZDTASK square sensor direct / indirect power free standing e LED 930 P   JFIF``C    $.' 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